Thursday, November 29, 2012

Broken Stereo Types

I have worked so hard in my life that I don’t have time to prove anything to anyone at this point. How much do I really want to show you that I am ok? And if I have to try and convince someone that I am ok then is it even worth it? If It’s not already obvious that I am doing well, then what’s the point of standing up and screaming that I am?

My son said something to me the other day. And I use it as my reminder that I am a successful parent. He said that he feels like we are rich. We are so not rich, but the fact that my child is satisfied is enough of a confirmation for me.

I’ve been a single parent for the majority of my child’s life. It amazes me when people say “I don’t know how you do it.” I don’t see any other option, parenting is parenting and the child’s development lies in my hands because I am not the parent that left. What’s more is how people allow single parenting as an excuse for failure.  I always felt failure is not an option. If one at least tries and is not successful, that doesn't mean one has failed, it just means try a different way. 

I graciously accept all compliments of my life and my child. I work nearly full time and I am putting myself through school.  Believe me, it’s not easy. And those in my life who tell me that I can do it; that I will be successful because I won’t give up when it gets tough, they mean the world to me. They are in the small group that doesn’t immediately bestow failure on me. I feel life is difficult at times not matter what and regardless of how many parents are in the home, it’s how one deals with the situations that really define you, not the lack of support.  

If I am completely honest with myself, I actually enjoy “single” parenting. My son is growing into an incredible person and being able to see him everyday is truly a blessing. I have grown so much because I opened my heart. This little boy came into this world innocent and deserves nothing less than the comfort and support of a mother’s heart.  I feel it’s my job to give him all the tools he needs to be a successful person. And it’s his decision as he grows to utilize those tools.

While it’s sad that my family is in shambles (because really we all wish we could be the Huxtables) I have another family to put my time and energy into, the little boy that calls me “Mom.” The most important role I will play on this earth is that job title. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day

Every election, regardless of size, I take my son with me. I feel it's important for the younger generation to learn and understand the voting process early on in life.

He loves coming with me. The folks at our polling station (mostly senior citizens) love seeing such a young face. He always stands beside me as I fill in the bubbles of my choosing.

Voting is a given right that many people fought long and hard for. I am proud of those before me who wanted voting for all. If it weren't for their tenacity, I wouldn't have the right to vote.
I am proud to be an American and grateful to live in California.

I'm excited to vote. I can't to vote!

Get out and vote. Even if we disagree, your voice matters!